n.畫像,塑像 [ a picture, image, or other representation.]
n.聖像 [ Eastern Church . a representation of some sacred personage, as Christ or a saint or angel, painted usually on a wood surface and venerated itself as sacred.]
iconoclast /aɪˋkɑnəˏklæst/
icon( image )-o-clast( Gk. breaker )
n.反對崇拜聖像者 [a breaker or destroyer of images, esp. those set up for religious veneration.]
iconoclastic /aɪˋkɑnəˏklæst ɪ k/
ideology /ˏaɪdɪˋɑlədʒɪ/
n.意識形態 [the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group.]
ex. It's that the average Taiwanese CEO is a prisoner of ideology.
ex. it is guided by the dominant societal ideology
idiom /ˋɪdɪəm/
n.成語;習慣語 [an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements, as kick the bucket (死去) , or from the general grammatical rules of a language, and that is not a constituent of a larger expression of like characteristics.]
ex. 就如同中文講的「 蘇州賣鴨蛋 」=死了,其字義由原本組成的element是預測不出來的。
idle /ˋaɪdl/
adj.不工作的;閒置的 [not working or active; doing nothing]
ex. Summer and hot weather make everyone feel idle.
ex. It would be idle to argue further.
v.無所事事;閒混 [To pass time without working or while avoiding work.]
ps. 在windows的作業系統中,按下ctrl+alt+del會出現工作管理員,如果你仔細看會看到"system idle process"這一項唷(實驗一下吧)。它這一相的意思就是指你的CPU目前還有多少"閒置的資源"可以使用。
idolater /aɪˋdɑlətɚ/
n.偶像崇拜者 [ One who worships idols.]
ps.1 idolatry n.偶像崇拜
ps.2 台視的節目「超級偶像」=Super Idol
idyll / ˋaɪdl /
n.田園詩 [A short poem or prose piece depicting a rural or pastoral scene, usually in idealized terms.]
ex. 《 Idylls of the king 》是Alfred, Lord Tennyson(英國人)的作品,故事是寫有關於亞瑟王--就是圓桌武士的故事。
n.田園畫 (with the three components - man, animal and the environment - in a harmonious unity, preventing the picture from being either a landscape, or a genre, or just an image of an animal.)
ps. idyll的風格,通常 emotional, sometimes sentimental.
igneous /ˋɪɡnɪəs/
igne( Gk. fire) -ous
adj.火成的(地質學的用詞) [produced under conditions involving intense heat, as rocks of volcanic origin or rocks crystallized from molten magma.]
ex. Granite is igneous rocks .
ignite /ɪɡˋnaɪt/
ign e ( fire )-ite
v.點燃 [to set on fire]
ps. 1
kindle比較多用於無形的,比方說點燃我的勇氣,to kindle my courage.
ignite偏於實體上的點燃, to ignite my cigarette.
打火機的英文叫 lighter唷,
字首 in-
1.在..之內= in
indoor adj.室內的
inland adj.內陸的
2.進來、使呈...狀態= into (較強調動作) // en- 是變化型
income n.所得 [sth. come into ]
inflate v.充氣 [blow air into sth.]
inhale v.吸氣 [breathe into]
incentive adj.刺激的 [into - cant(sing) - ive -->令進入唱歌的狀態-->刺激]
infuriate v.激怒 [make sb. into fury]
incarnate v.賦予形體 [ into + carn (肉) + ate -->進入肉身]
3.在...狀態 = on the state of(較強調狀態)
inceptive adj.開始的 [on the state of cept(take) -->開始]
individual adj.個人的 [on the state of being divided]
inadequate adj.不充分的 [not adequate] adequate -->inadequate
incapable adj.不能的 [not capable] capable-->incapable
indolent adj.懶惰的 [not dolent(feel pain)] dolent -->indolent
un比較常用於字首字尾拆掉後還是一個完整的詞 ex:
unwonted un-wont(習慣)-ed
unabridge un-abridge
in比較多用於接字根 ex:
incapable in-cap-able
immaculate in-macul-ate
from 字典上的解釋
The negative prefix un- attaches chiefly to adjectives ,(unable, unclean, unequal, unripe, unsafe) and, participles(分詞) used as adjectives (unfeeling, unflinching, unfinished, unsaid), and less frequently to nouns (unbelief, unconcern, unrest).
un-主要接形容詞來使成否定型,un-Adj,或者接分詞un-Ving, un-P.P 來當作形容詞。un- 比較少接名詞。
Sometimes the noun form of an adjective with the un- prefix has the prefix in-, as in inability, inequality, injustice, and instability.
如果是un-Adj,有時候會有相對應的in-N ,例如 unequal --> inequality.
A few stems appear with both prefixes with distinctions of meaning. Inhuman means "brutal, monstrous," while unhuman means "not of human form, superhuman." ‧
有些字根接un-與in-意思不同,比方說inhuman 與 unhuman.
When used with adjectives, un- often has a sense distinct from that of non-.
un-Adj 與non-Adj 的意思有很明顯的不一樣
Non- picks out the set of things that are not in the category denoted by the stem to which it is attached.
non- 是表示"不在"範圍裡面;就像圈外人的概念。
un- picks out properties unlike those of the typical examples of the category.
un- 則表示"不像"這範圍裡的典型;在圈內,但跟大家所想的標準、理想不一樣。
Thus nonmilitary personnel are those who are not members of the military, whereas someone who is unmilitary is unlike a typical soldier in dress, habits, or attitudes.
ignorant /ˋɪɡnərənt/
i n -gnor(know)-ant [ng不好發音,因此n被省略了]
adj.無知的 [knowing little or nothing]
ex. The fact that you are so ignorant makes me feel pathetic.
ignorant <> erudite adj.博學的
**cogn == know
cogn-ition n.認識 ex. 認知心理學 = cognitive psychology
cogn-itive a.認識的 ex. our cognitive world 我們所認識的世界
re-cogn-ize v.認出 [re做again解]
re-cogn-izable a.能認出的
re-cogn-ition n.認識
agnostic adj.不可知論的(指對於上帝的存在是人不能知道的)
diagnose v.診斷
prognosis n.預知
ignore v.忽視
ignorant adj.無知的 [knowing little or nothing]
ignoble /ɪɡˋnobl/
i n (g)-noble [in轉成ig去接,因為inn~的發音很討厭]
adj.卑鄙的;不光彩的 [Not noble in quality, character, or purpose; base or mean.]
ex. To betray a friend is ignoble.
ps. Ig Nobel Prize =搞笑諾貝爾獎
其宗旨為「Every Ig Nobel Prize winner has done something that first makes people LAUGH, then makes them THINK.」
ignominy / ˋɪɡnəˏmɪnɪ/
n.恥辱 [Great personal dishonor or humiliation; shame.]
ex. she endured the ignominy of his abandoning her. (像是被出軌了..)
ex. suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison.
ignominious / ˋɪɡnəˏmɪnɪ əs /
ex. the man who from vast dreams of literary fame descends to ignominious hackwork.
ex. an ignominious treaty