


unfold    /ʌnˈfoʊld/


v.展開 [to open or spread out something that has been folded; expand]

  ex. We watched the drama unfold on live television.





unfounded    /ʌnˈfɑʊn·dɪd/


adj.沒有事實根據的 [lacking a sound basis; groundless]

   note: found->foundation

   ex. unfounded fear for XXX.

   ex. unfouned accusation



ungainly    /ʌnˈɡeɪn·li/

adj.笨拙移動的 [moving in an awkward or clumsy way; awkward]

  note: 'gain' is from against, implying not direct, graceful.

  note: gainsay

  ex. He must be tried such that he walks in an ungainly manner.



note: I skip'ungrudging'



unguent    /ˈʌŋ.ɡwənt/

n.軟膏 [a thick substance, usually with a pleasant smell, used to treat skin problems or make the skin soft]

  note: 我會想到 面速力達母. Mentholatum
  review:  ointment, unctuous 都是跟 oil 有關連的字




unique    /jʊˈnik/

adj.獨特的 [being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way]

   ex. her unique voice makes her a famous singer.





unicorn    /ˈju·nɪˌkɔrn/

n.獨角獸 [an imaginary creature like a horse with a single horn growing from the front of its head]


 Charlie the Unicorn







adj. [Having one dimension]

   note: 可以用來暗指單調或者單一來源

   ex.  Our marketing strategy is too focused on a specific area, and I suppose we should break this unidimensional thinking and design a product for a wider range of users.




unify    /ˈju·nəˌfɑɪ/


v.統一 [to bring separate parts of something together so that they are one]

  ex. Theoretical Physicists are working on unifying all sorts of physics law into a simple but yet powerful formula.

  ex. Some people seek to unify the nation.

  note: unification n.




uniform    /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/


n.制服 [The distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.]

adj.一致的 [Remaining the same in all cases and at all times]


THE BOSS BABY - "UGLY Uniform !" - Movie CLIP (Animation, 2017)







adj.沒有激情的 [ not impassioned]

   ex. Not all the tasks are interesting or aspiring and hence we expect there are some unimpassioned workers. For those, we should get them more recognition and appreciation.



unimpeachable    /ˌʌnɪmˈpitʃǝbḷ/


adj.無可指責的;無可懷疑的  [of such a high standard of honesty and moral goodness that it cannot be doubted or criticized]

  ex. He serves as a volunteer for teaching children in remote mountains for over 20 years. His kindness and enthusiasm are unimpeachable. 




The uninitiated    /ʌnɪˈnɪʃɪeɪtɪd/


n. [people who are without knowledge or experience of a particular subject or activity]

  ex. Maxwell's equations, for the uninitiated, is a set of partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits.




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