trifle /ˋtraɪfl/
n.無多大價值或重要性的事物 [A thing of little value or importance]
ex. We are sometimes distracted and pay more attention on trifles when we need to do something important but painful, such as preparing an exam.
trivial /ˋtrɪvɪəl/
adj. [of little worth or importance]
ex. Some TV shows ask contesters to play trivia games (i.e. answering trivial questions). In U.S. these shows are quite popular.
trigger /ˋtrɪɡɚ/
n. [An event or circumstance that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation]
note: 原指手槍的扳機。(a metal lever that when pulled discharges a gun.)
ex. The China Airline flight attendants' 2-day strike is a trigger for Taiwanese workers to rethink their reasonable working benefits.
v.觸發 [Cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist]
trilogy /ˋtrɪlədʒɪ/
n. [A group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums.]
ex. There are many films in a format of trilogy, such as "Hunger games" (The Hunger Games / Catching Fire / Mockingjay) or "Godfather"
trim /trɪm/
v.修剪 [make (sth) neat or smooth by cutting away irregular parts]
ex. people like to trim their gardens and make them neat.
note: trim 當名詞的時候,指邊緣的裝飾 [Additional decoration, typically along the edges of something and in contrasting color or material]
trinket /ˋtrɪŋkɪt/
n.廉價的小裝飾品 [A small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.]
ex. At Taiwanese night markets, there are several venders selling trinket targeting for high-school girls.
trio /ˋtrio/
n. [A set or group of three people or things]
note: trio是義大利文過來的
note: trio通常出現在音樂方面,ex. Jazz trio, piano trio等等。
note: duo 是指"雙"的意思。
Schubert: Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op. 100
tripod /ˋtraɪpɑd/
ex. camera tripod.
note: 像有三隻腳的鼎,也可以稱為tripod
trite /traɪt/
adj.陳腐的, 老一套的 [(Of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness]
ex. Alright, I have to admit this is trite. This kind of setting has been overused in many comics.
常見的同義詞: banal (p.50), hackneyed (p.230)
triumph /ˋtraɪəmf/
n.凱旋, 勝利 [A great victory or achievement]
note: 在古羅馬時代, triumph是一種盛大的歡迎凱旋對於打大勝戰的將軍。
note: 德國起家的,triumph 知名內衣廠牌
check 小凱旋式--ovation p.337
trophy /ˋtrofɪ/
n. 獎盃 [A cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success]
ex. Leonardo DiCaprio is awarded a trophy for the 2016 Oscar winner for the best actor.
note. atrophy n.(身體上的)萎縮 (p.43)
troupe /trup/
n. [a group of actors, singers, or dancers who work together and often travel around together, performing in different places]
ex. The Thomasville Music & Drama Troupe (link)
trowel /trauəl/
n. [A small handheld tool with a flat, pointed blade, used to apply and spread mortar or plaster.]
truancy /'truənsɪ/
n. [The action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism]
note: 不是很重要的字。
note: truncate v. [to shorten by or as if by cutting off]
ex. 2/3 cannot be exactly done in a computer.
truce /trus/
n.休戰協定 [An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time]
ex. For protecting Assad's position, Russians violated truces and attacked rebel groups backed by the United States.
ps. also review p.36 for 軍火特輯
truculent /ˋtrʌkjələnt/
adj.好鬥的 [eager or quick to argue or fight]
記: tru(e) + cut + (r)ent = 真的把房租減少了的話,房東會變得很挑釁的(truculent)
ex. Please calm down, your truculent way of speaking will hurt the friendship.
note: defiant, belligerent, pugnacious, confrontational