* TTree:MakeCode method and
* TTree:MakeClass method help us to get the skeleton of a tree.
* But they are not very approriate when the tree structure is
* complicated. ex. a class has private variable that is an obj
* from another class.
// STEP 1.
// to create the example1.root if not exists.
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L demo1.C"); example1();
TFile f("example1.root");
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
// STEP 2.
// to use MakeCode method
| parameter: output filename
| if you don't setup the output filename
| the default filename will be tree_Name.C (t.C)
| .L CLASS_from_example1.C;
| CLASS_from_example1* t = new CLASS_from_example1
| t->Show(0)
| when you use a TChain obj,
| you can only use MakeCode.