* The scenario:
* We have example1.root to store the money of brother A,B,C.
* suppose we create another tree that stores the money for
* the parents, Mom and Dad.
* We can use TTree::AddFriend method
* to attach the extra data to existed data.
// STEP 1.
// to create the example1.root if not exists.
// in example1.root,
// we have data that represent the money for brother A,B,C.
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L demo1.C");
TFile f("example1.root");
TTree* tBrother; f.GetObject("t",tBrother);
// STEP 2.
// to create the another tree,
// for he money for Mom and Dad.
Int_t money_Mom;
Int_t money_Dad;
TTree* tParent = new TTree("tParent"," a friend");
tParent->Branch("mM", &money_Mom, "money_Mom/I");
tParent->Branch("mD", &money_Dad, "money_Dad/I");
money_Mom = 500; money_Dad = 600; tParent->Fill();
money_Mom = 100; money_Dad = 600; tParent->Fill();
money_Mom = 100; money_Dad = 700; tParent->Fill();
money_Mom = 100; money_Dad = 800; tParent->Fill();
money_Mom = 100; money_Dad = 900; tParent->Fill();
TFile f2("example1_friend.root","recreate");
// STEP 3.
// To use AddFriend method
| parameter1: the name of the tree in friend (or called key).
| parameter2: the root filename.
| To access the variables in friend's tree:
| we have to use:
| tParent.money_Mom (tree_name.leaf_name)
| note:
| tBrother tree only has 3 entries
| so we can only have 3 entries from friend's tree.