v. [to stroll or walk at a leisurely pace]
n. [a leisurely and aimless walk; stroll]
ps. 在河畔走路, moon walk.
七姑姑系列 review
daunt | v.畏縮 | (打姑姑嚇倒姑姑了,使姑姑畏縮) [daunting] | |
flaunt | v.誇耀 | (到處飛fly炫耀的姑姑) [誇耀自己的財富] | |
ex. 秀名牌包 | |||
gaunt | a.枯瘦的 | (姑姑被告了,她變得憔悴枯瘦的) | |
ex. 失戀後一直吃不好睡不好的臉 | |||
haunt | n/v.常去的地方 | (姑姑常來要搬椅子h給她坐) [鬼魂常出沒之處] | |
jaunt | n.短程旅遊 | (姑姑住的不遠也不近,去找她是短程旅遊) journey | |
taunt | n/v.嘲弄 | (欺負t的諧音姑姑) | |
vaunt | v.吹噓 | (比出勝利V的姑姑 - 愛吹噓的姑姑) [吹噓自己功績] | |
savage cf. salvage
adj. [wild and fierce]
ex. a savage lion, wolf, etc
v. [attack (sb) savagely; maul]
ex. She was badly savaged by a mad dog.
n. [A savant is someone over-the-top smart, a scholar. It might take a savant only five minutes to do an entire math test.]
ps. sage, sapient ( homo sapiens)
A Musical Savant Shows Talent
n. [If you describe someone as having savvy, you think that they have a good understanding and practical knowledge of something.]
ex. He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills.
adj. [well-informed]
ps. Savvy is a 2008 children's fantasy novel by Ingrid Law aimed at children aged nine to twelve years. The American Library Association named Savvy a 2009 Newbery Honor Book.
n. [small particles of wood produced in sawing.]
ps. saw n.鋸子 v.鋸
ps. 奪魂鋸
n. [a sheath for a sword or the like]
ps. sheath: sheath dress (straight, fitted, and simple.), and condom
How to Make a Saya (Japanese Sword Scabbard)
n. Informal. a great number or quantity
ex. scads of money.
ps. scad = scam + advertisement "bait and click" 混成詞
Schooling Mexican Scads and Jacks Hunting Diving Rebreather
n. [a temporary wooden platform that workers can stand on when they are doing work, or a raised platform on which a criminal can be publicly executed.]
v.燙傷 [to burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam]
ps. If you scald yourself, you burn yourself with very hot liquid or steam.
ps. to scald milk; Pasteurization
n.燙傷 = scalding
ps. metal band
How to scald milk
n. = scald
adj. hot enough to scald
ex. scalding water
n. [A scale is a series that climbs up or down in a step-wise fashion.]
ex. 魚鱗、音階、刻度
ps. color:spectrum= tone:scale
ex. Rate it on a scale of one to ten.
ps. 也可以當動詞 ex. scale a ladder
n. (from wiki) A scalpel, or lancet, is a small and extremely sharp bladed instrument used for surgery, anatomical dissection, and various arts and crafts (called a hobby knife)
ps. sculp -->sculpture n.雕刻
n. [An incident or event that disgraces or damages the reputation of the persons or organization involved.]
ex. Academic scandals: Plagiarism, Cheating
ex. Olympic Games scandals
ps. sandal n.涼鞋
adj. [barely sufficient or available only in very small]
ex. you act with scant regard for your safety
ex. pay scant attention to sb's advice
ps. 也有用來指scant lingerie
v. [to deal with in an inadequate or neglectful manner or to provide in insufficient amounts.]
ex. the parent scant their care responsibilities.
ps. scent = odor
n. [a state of something being in short supply.]
ex. scarcity of water
ex. a fuel scarcity
ps. scarce adj.
聯想: scar(傷痕) + city
lack, paucity(p.348), dearth(p.129)
聯想: d(飢) + earth --> 飢餓的地球-->不足
n. (wiki) A scarf, also known as a muffler(p.318), or neck-wrap is a piece of fabric worn around the neck
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!
scarf n.圍巾
scarp n.懸崖、陡坡 (懸崖上很冷,需要披圍巾)
scathe(to injure by fire or lighting)-ing
adj. [bitterly severe, as a remark]
ex. a scathing review of the play.
ps. 噴火龍
v. [If you scatter things over an area, you throw or drop them so that they spread all over the area. ]
ex. The police scattered the crowd.
ex. scatter seeds on the fields
Ruther's Alpha Scattering Experiment