n.第六感 [An intuitive feeling or a premonition]
ex.I have a hunch that it will snow soon.
n [hump駝背; lump腫塊; chunk大塊.]
v.彎腰駝背 [To bend or draw up into a hump]
ex. I hunched my shoulders against the wind.
字源:originally (1581) a verb, "to push, thrust," of unknown origin. Meaning "raise or bend into a hump" is 1598, in hunchbacked. Perhaps a variant of bunch. Figurative sense of "hint, tip" (a "push" toward a solution or answer), first recorded 1849, led to that of "premonition, presentiment" (1904).
hunch最早的意思是"push, thrust推",不久後有了"隆起"的意思,而"第六感"的字義是在200多年後才有的唷。(這就像現在人用"敗了iphone",敗這個字指的是"買"的意思,古代人可能搞不清楚吧哈~,字是會慢慢演化的呢!!)
ps. 在不擇手段背單字的文件中,寫到「源於古希臘神話中星神的Hunch寒池,主管預知未來,曾經預測了Narcissus ( n.水仙花 ) 與Echo (n.回聲 ) 的悲劇。」--但xination卻沒查到其他網站有這樣的說法,找不到Greek Mythology中有Hunch這位神。
n.障礙 [An obstacle or difficulty to be overcome]
ex. the last hurdle before graduation.
v.克服, 越過 [To overcome or deal with successfully; surmount].
ex. hurdle a problem.
v.猛力投擲 [To throw with great force; fling.]
ex. 可以用來指"投球"很猛唷
ex. Hurl them into the abyss!
ex. Chimpanzee created weapons to hurl at zoo vistors
v.厲聲叫罵 [ to utter with vehemence]
ex. to hurl insults at the umpire.
ps. javelin throw= 擲標槍
n.颶風 [a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic , having wind speeds of or in excess of 72 mph (32 m/sec).]
tropical cyclone n.熱帶氣旋 (它會進一步形成hurricane, 或者是更強的typhoon) [a cyclone that originates over a tropical ocean area and can develop into the destructive storm known in the U.S. as a hurricane, in the western Pacific region as a typhoon, and elsewhere by other names.]
typhoon n.颱風 [ A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans. ]
ps.1 來看一下台灣與美國對於tropical cyclone強度的說法
in USA hurricane的強度是用category來分的1, 2, 3, 4,5 這樣,像Katrina是category 4
in TW typhoon的強度,用的輕度颱風,中度,強度..
而category 1的風速就已經算是中度颱風的範圍了唷。category 3等同台灣的強度颱風
ps. 2 歷史記錄上最大的颱風 TIP
n. 丈夫
v.節儉式地管理 [To use sparingly or economically; conserve]
ex. husband one's energy.
字源:O.E. husbonda "male head of a household," probably from O.N. husbondi "master of the house, " from hus "house" + bondi "householder, dweller, freeholder, peasant," from buandi, prp. of bua "to dwell" The sense of "peasant farmer" (c.1220) is preserved in husbandry (first attested c.1380 in this sense). Beginning c.1290, replaced O.E. wer as "married man," companion of wif, a sad loss for Eng. poetry. The verb "manage thriftily" is 1440, from the noun in the obsolete sense of "steward" (c.1450). Slang shortening hubby first attested 1688.
簡單的摘要一下,hushand這個字,最早的意思就是"丈夫",來源與house有關。其後還發展出了" 農夫 "的字義,但此字義今日已經不用了,但概念還存留在husbandry字中。動詞型是較晚才發展出來的,其意為"節儉式地管理",來源是從husband的一個已廢的字義"steward;財產管理人;管家"而來的。
n.農事;飼養 [The act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock; agriculture.]
ex. Beginning nearly 10,000 years ago, man adopted animal husbandry practices .
n.節儉式地管理 [Careful management or conservation of resources; economy.]
ex. Through careful husbandry we survived the hard winter.
通過精打細算, 我們終於熬過了嚴冬.
interj.噓;別作聲 [used as a command to be silent or quiet.]
ex. Hush! He'll hear.
v.使安靜 [ to make silent; silence.]
v.掩蓋 [ to suppress mention of]
ex. They hushed up the scandal.
n.靜寂,沈默 [silence or quiet, esp. after noise.]
ex. A hush fell over the meeting-room.
hush <> din
n.外皮;殼 [The outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or seeds, as that of a walnut(胡桃) or an ear of corn (一支玉米).]
ex. Henceforward he was more or less a husk,yielding their place to their children.
v.除去...的外殼 [To remove the husk from. ]
adj.高大強壯的 [ big and strong]
adj.(聲音)嘶啞的 [(of voice) deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion]
n.哈士奇(一種 Eskimo dog;愛斯基摩犬)特徵是耐寒
n.混血的後代 [the offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera, esp.]
ex. 馬和驢生出騾, 騾子就是hybrid.
No: I am a hybrid /mix.
Yes: My parents are of different ancestries.
ex. Cablegram" is a hybrid word; half the word is Latin and half is Greek.
ps. hybrid orbital = 混成軌域
hybrid <> of unmixed extraction
n.消防栓 [an upright pipe with a spout, nozzle(噴嘴), or other outlet, usually in the street, for drawing water from a main or service pipe, esp. for fighting fires.]
ex. A fountain of water gush from the break hydrant.
n. 【化】 水合物 [any of a class of compounds containing chemically combined water. In the case of some hydrates, as washing soda, Na 2 CO 3 ‧10H 2 O, the water is loosely held and is easily lost on heating; in others, as sulfuric acid, SO 3 ‧H 2 O, or H 2 SO 4 , it is strongly held as water of constitution.]
簡單的說就是與水分子結合的化合物,ex. Na 2 CO 3 ‧10H 2 O
carbohydrate = 碳水化合物
n. 讚美詩 [a song or ode in praise or honor of God, a deity, a nation, etc.]