You can down file here demo3.C
#include "TROOT.h" // to use gROOT point
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
// read a tree.
void example6(){
TFile f("example1.root");
| use f->ls(), to see what is inside the file.
| there is a tree, called "t"
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
| This line is not always necessary,
| but if you want to open another root file,
| you should set a pointer to reference the obj
| otherwise in memory, only the most recently root file exist.
| We have 3 branches,
| and each branch has one variable(leaf in ROOT terminology)
| review:
| the writing out setting:
| Int_t money_A
| t.Branch("mA", &money_A, "money_A/I");
| branch name: "mA"
| leaf name: "money_A", type = Int_t
Int_t AA, BB, CC;
| When reading an existed tree,
| we declare variables first,
| and then link the variables to the data in tree,
| via the "SetBranchAddress" method.
| If you know how the data is writen out,
| It is very easy to set, i.g.
| Int_t money_A;
| t->Branch ("mA", &money_A, "money_A/I"); //write out
| t->SetBranchAddress("mA", &money_A); //read in
cout << AA << "\t" << BB << "\t" << CC << endl;
cout << AA << "\t" << BB << "\t" << CC << endl;
cout << AA << "\t" << BB << "\t" << CC << endl;
cout << t->GetEntries() << endl;
| The GetEntries() method
| return the total num of entries in a tree.
| It is very useful, when you want to design a loop.
Int_t nn = t->GetEntries();
for(Int_t i=0; i<nn; i++) {
cout << AA << "\t" << BB << "\t" << CC << endl;
// to read in an array
void example7(){
TFile f("example2.root");
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
| review:
| the writing out setting:
| Int_t A_account[2] = {0};
| Int_t B_account[3] = {0};
| t.Branch("A", A_account, "bankfromA[2]/I");
| t.Branch("B", B_account, "bankfromB[3]/I");
Int_t A_account[2] = {0};
Int_t B_account[3] = {0};
t->SetBranchAddress("A", A_account);
t->SetBranchAddress("B", B_account);
cout << A_account[0] <<"\n" << A_account[1] << endl;
cout << B_account[0] <<"\n" \
<< B_account[1] << "\n"\
<< B_account[2] <<endl;
// to read in an array with varying size
void example8(){
TFile f("example3.root");
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
| review:
| the writing out setting:
| Int_t energy[n_maxSize] = {0};
| Int_t n;
| t.Branch("Size", &n, "n/I");
| t.Branch("Energy", energy, "particle_enery[n]/I");
Int_t energy[100];
Int_t n;
t->SetBranchAddress("Size", &n);
t->SetBranchAddress("Energy", energy);
Int_t nn = t->GetEntries();
for(Int_t i=0; i<nn; i++) {
for(Int_t ii=0; ii<100; ii++) { energy[ii] = 0; }
cout <<"num = "<< n <<"\n"\
<< energy[0] <<"\n"\
<< energy[1] <<"\n"\
<< energy[2] << endl;
cout << "-----------------" << endl;
cout << n <<"\t"<< energy[0] <<"\t"\
<< energy[1] <<"\t"\
<< energy[2] << endl;
cout << n <<"\t"<< energy[0] <<"\t"\
<< energy[1] <<"\t"\
<< energy[2] << endl;
cout << n <<"\t"<< energy[0] <<"\t"\
<< energy[1] <<"\t"\
<< energy[2] << endl;
// to read in a "struct",
// use the TBanch class
void example9(){
TFile f("example4.root");
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
| review:
| the writing out setting:
| t.Branch("Energy", &sParticle.energy, "p_energy/F");
| t.Branch("Position", sParticle.position,"pos[3]/F");
| or
| t.Branch("Particle_info", &sParticle, "e/F:pos[3]/F")
// create by t.Branch("Particle_info", &sParticle, "e/F:pos[3]/F")
struct particle_STRUCT {
Float_t energy;
Float_t position[3];
particle_STRUCT sParticle;
| Two steps.
| 1. Get Branch,
| 2. Set the address to the "particle_STRUCT" type variables.
TBranch* tb = t->GetBranch("Particle_info");
cout << sParticle.energy << "\n" << sParticle.position[0] << "\n" << sParticle.position[1] << "\n" << sParticle.position[2] << endl;
// t.Branch("Energy", &sParticle.energy, "p_energy/F");
// t.Branch("Position", sParticle.position,"pos[3]/F");
Float_t energy;
Float_t position[3];
t->SetBranchAddress("Energy", &energy);
t->SetBranchAddress("Position", position);
// to read in an "obj" from "particle_CLASS" class
void example10(){
// to load the class definition.
TFile f("example5.root");
TTree* t; f.GetObject("t",t);
// to create an obj to receive.
particle_CLASS* sParticle = new particle_CLASS();
// to link
t->SetBranchAddress("Particle_info", &sParticle );
cout << sParticle->Get_energy() << endl;
cout << sParticle->Get_position()[0] << endl;
cout << sParticle->Get_position()[1] << endl;
cout << sParticle->Get_position()[2] << endl;