swift /swɪft/
adj.迅速的; 敏捷的 [quick or rapid; prompt]
ex. we need swift actions to remedy problems.
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
swill /swɪl/
v. [to drink (something) greedily or to excess; guzzle.]
ex. to swill beer.
<> sip
n. 養豬用的殘食 [left-over vegetable peelings, etc given to pigs as food]
guzzle | v.狂吃狂喝 [eat or drink sth greedily] (p.230) |
gobble | v.狂吃狂喝 (且發出聲響地) [eat or drink sth greedily and noisly] (p.223) gobble是gabble的變體,gabble是v.急促不清地說的意思(可以review p.48 有提到過),這邊gobble是利用gabble的概念,指一直急促的吃東西 |
gulp | v.狂吃狂喝 (用吞的) [swallow food or drink quickly or greedily] ex. whale |
slurp | v.大聲地吃喝 [to make loud sucking noises while eating or drinking] ex. 思樂冰 |
swine /swaɪn/
note: 我們現在講豬,會用pig這個字,swine的使用上是比較偏向"學術類",ex. swine Flu = 豬流感. 在比較old-fashion的文章中,也會把豬說是swine.
note: swine既單數與複數都是一樣的,不用加s
swindle /ˋswɪndl/
v.詐騙 [to cheat (a person, business, etc.) out of money or other assets.]
ex. We continue hearing the news about public servants swindle money out of government. ex.葉世文.
ex. Telephone scams try to swindle victims out of their savings.
similar word (v.): deceive, defraud, frame
note: dwindle v.逐漸變少
swing /swɪŋ/
v.搖擺 [to move repeatedly backwards and forwards or from side to side from a fixed point. ]
ex. The ape swings from branch to branch.
ex. A Pendulum swings back-and-forth.
swirl /swɜrl/
v. [ to move with an eddying or whirling motion]
note: 字源上與whirl是有關連的唷。
ex. Swirling snowflakes silently fall down.
ex. The dancer is turning around and around, swirling her skirt.
whirl v.旋轉
The Secret Feather Swirl Cold Process Soap
sybarite /ˋsɪbəˏraɪt/
n. [person who is very fond of luxury and comfort]
note: 這是一個很少出現的字,sybarite誕生於1600年左右,原指的是在古希臘的城市Sybaris其內的居民。(現在位於義大利南部)。當地居民因為富美的土壤以及港口有利的地理位置,很快的帶來財富,在希臘其他的城邦中,對於sybarite印象就是喜歡高尚的物品、宴會,所以sybarite被指稱那些愛好奢侈品與享受的人。
related word: hedonist n.享樂主義者 (擁有快樂是人生中最重要的事:力求將享樂與痛苦的距差增至最大)
<> ascetic adj.禁慾的、苦行的
sycophant /ˋsɪkəfənt/
n.阿諛奉承者 [person who tries to gain people's favor by insincerely flattering them and always agreeing with them]
ex. To be a successful sycophant, you need to observe the taste of the other people and making them feel comfortable by providing sweet but nonsense praise.
note: 這是一個很少出現的字
related word (n.) : flatterer, fawner
syllabus /ˋsɪləbəs/
n.教學大綱[list of subjects, topics, texts, etc included in a course of study ]
ex. Very likely at the first class, your professor will talk about the syllabus of this course,
such as week1: review functions,
week2: limit
week3: continuity
week4: chain rule
symbiosis /ˌsɪm baɪ oʊ sɪs/
n.共生關係 [relationship between two species, organisms,etc that live close together and depend on each other in various ways]
note: 雖然這樣講,symbiosis的定義可以很廣的。symbiosis = all species interactions
Lichen, the most awesome thing ever.
Lichen(地衣) = fungus + alga
symmetry /ˋsɪmɪtrɪ/
sym(=syn; together)-metry(meter)