supreme /suˋprim/
adj. [highest in authority, rank or degree]
ex. The Supreme Court = 最高法院
ex. He is the supreme commander for the military in Asia.
supremacy /sʊ'prɛməsɪ/
n. [the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else]
ex. This war strategy game is to build your supremacy over the other rivals.
ex. No one can challenge Michael Schumacher's supremacy in the filed of racing car.
note. white supremacy: 認為白人是最好的種族的概念。
類似的字: n. (political or cultural dominance or authority over others.)
hegemony /ˋhɛdʒəmonɪ/
surcharge /ˋsəˏtʃɑrdʒ/
n. [payment that is demanded in addition to the usual charge]
ex. The one-year round-trip airplane ticket may have surcharge due to the increasing of oil price. For example, you may need to pay extra $100 USD for returning.
note: sur- 這個字首有兩種可能1) 類似super, sur 代表 over, 2) 由sub過來的,代表below.
surfeit /ˋsɜːfɪt/
n. [too much of sth, esp of food and drink]
ex. a surfeit of French fries. ( too many French fries than you can eat.)
ex. A surfeit of fast food in U.S. makes several Americans have obesity.
similar word: (n.) overabundance, plethora
surge /sɜːdʒ/
n.大波濤, 或者是突然湧起的什麼東西
note: surge這個字的來源是有raising, swelling的意思。 同常看到這個字,我的第一印象就是海面上突然起來的一個大波浪,像是由地震影起的海嘯。
note: insurgent adj.叛亂的
ex. a surge of emotions.
ex. She felt a surge of anger after she was insulted.
similar word:(n.) billow n.大浪
v. [to increase suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly. ]
ex. the emotion of anti-china surged after the XXX news.
surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən/
n.外科醫生 [a medical practitioner who specializes in surgery]
note: surgery n.手術
Surgeon Simulator 2013
surly /ˈsɜːlɪ/
adj. [bad-tempered and rude]
note: 來自於形容貴族(sir),壞的貴族會有表現出驕傲、壞脾氣不好相處,不善待人的態度。這是surly所指的情況。
ex. He is sure of in a surly mood. He behaves impolitely, rudely, and aggressively to his coworkers.
similar word:(adj.) morose, sulky, sullen
surmise /sɚˋmaɪz/
v. [suppose (sth) without having evidence that makes it certain]
note: surmise 是個比較formal的用法.
ex. Based on the little evidence, I surmised the cat ate the cake, not my little brother.
ex. Professor Lin surmises the new species we found today are from other planets.
similar word:(v.) to guess, suppose, conjecture
surmount /sɚˋmaʊnt/
v.克服, 超越 [to overcome; to be on top of or above ]
note: mountain, 山,其中的mount就是hill的意思唷。surmount 在字根上的解釋就是 over a hill, 指爬過高山,也因此有到最高點、或者是克服什麼困難的意思。
ex. We still have a long way to go in order to surmount the problem of world poverty.
ex. His surmounted the language barrier and gave an excellent speech so that I can even remember his talk 10 years after graduation.
ex. A castle is surmounted on the top of the mountain.
surpass /sɚˋpæs/
v. [do or be better than sb/sth]
ex. I got A grade in my calculus class. That really surpassed my expectation. Originally I felt I can only get B.
ex. Peter sold out all his designed clothes in just three days, surpassing all the other classmates' prediction.
surrealism /səˋriəlˏɪzəm/
n.超現實主義 [20th-century movement in art and literature that tries to express what is in the subconscious mind by showing objects and events as seen in dreams, etc]
wiki: Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The aim was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision, created strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself and/or an idea/concept.
Introduction to Surrealism