re-quisit(to seek)-e
adj. [Requisite describes something required or necessary.]
ex. Collections of relevant books and papers are maintained as essential requisites.
n. [ something required or necessary]
ps. 它長得很像required
prerequisite p.379
ps. 如果你要修日文2, 那日文1就是 prerequisite course
v. [to make return for, reply]
ex. Will she ever requite my love? 她會回報我對她的愛嗎?
ex. The Queen requited his services with a knighthood.
v.[ to make retaliation for, avenge]
ex. requite him for the injury he has done to me.
re(back)-scind(L. scindere; cut)
v. [ cancel or repeal (a law, contract, etc); annul ]
ex. The company decides to rescind your job offer.
ex. they are going to rescind their wedding.
Rescind ObamaCare Spending First
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann wants money already appropriated for ObamaCare given back to taxpayers. Sunday on Meet the Press, she told host David Gregory that Congress must rescind the $105 billion already set aside for ObamaCare before discussions on funding the government can continue
n. [the act of rescinding]
sciss = cut
v. [to free or deliver from confinement, violence, danger, or evil.]
ex. Police rescued the hostages.
ex. saving a group of people from a sinking ship.
n. [the act of rescuing.]
AP Photographer Recounts Burning Car Rescue
re-sent(to feel)
v. [feel bitter, indignant or angry about (sth hurtful, insulting, etc)]
ex. She resents her mother for being so tough on her.
ps. assent (p.40)
ps. consent (p. 107)
n. [ a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury ]
v. [put aside or keep sth for a later occasion or special use]
ex. These seats are reserved for special guests.
ps. reservoir
n. [the quality of a shy]
ex. A few drinks broke through his reserve. 他喝了點酒之後那矜持態度消失了.
Banking 3: Fractional Reserve Banking
review p.373
conserve 而且強調對有價值的東西非常珍惜,併合理的使用
( He is conserving his energy for the last twenty meter dash.)
reserve 「保留」,可指保留座位、權利、意見等等
(I'll reserve my remarks for another occasion.)
preserve 不光是只「保留」,還強調保留下來「收藏」,使東西完好無損
v. [have one's home (in a certain place); live ]
ex. many full-time students reside in university residence halls.
sed -> sid (sit)
n. [person who lives or has a home in a place, not a visitor]
ps. resident evil (惡靈古堡)
adj. [Residual is used to describe what remains of something when most of it has gone. ]
ex. residual radiation from nuclear weapons testing...
ps. residual income
Using Residue theorem for Integral of 1 /(1+x^4)
What Is Residual Income And Why Is It Smart Money
n. [ what remains after a part or quantity is taken or used]
v. [give up (one's job, position, etc) ]
ex. The Minister resigned
v. [be ready to accept and endure sth as inevitable ]
ex. to resign oneself to the loss.
adj. [ having or showing patient acceptance of sth unwelcome or unpleasant ]
ex. She seems resigned to not having a holiday this week.
n. [a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up an office, position, etc.]
Writing Lessons : How to Write a Resignation Letter