v. [pay for the occupation or use of (land, premises, a telephone, machinery, etc)]
n. [ regular payment made for the use of land, premises, a telephone, machinery]
n. [torn place in cloth, etc; tear; split]
ex. The sun shone through a rent in the clouds.
ps. Rent is the past tense and past participle of rend.
adj. [capable of being repaired]
ex. I am often astonished to find people approving irreparable choices and condemning reparable ones.
ps. synonym:: repairable
ex. if your friend broke your glasses, they are repairable, but if he hurt your pride, it is reparable.
ps. parable n.寓言故事 [a short story that uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethical point related] (可review p.343)
n. [Reparations are sums of money that are paid after a war by the defeated country for the damage and injuries it caused in other countries. ; Reparation is help or payment that someone gives you for damage, loss, or suffering that they have caused you. ]
ps. review 補償系列 p.400
Should African Americans be given reparations for slavery?
repartee (ˌrɛpɑːˈtiː)
n. [a sharp, witty remark made as a reply]
ps. Repartee comes from the French word repartire which is a fencing term meaning an answering thrust with a sword.
"If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you"
"Are those your eyeballs, I found them in my cleavage"
"I'll always cherish the original misconception I had about you"
re patr iate
re-pat e r(=fater)-ate
v. [send or bring sb back to his own country ]
ex. to repatriate refugees,
As diplomats and activists express concern about the slow pace of logistics for south Sudan's referendum on succession, the southern government is planning to repatriate millions of refugees displaced during the civil war.
re- ap peal
v. [withdraw (a law, etc) officially; revoke ]
ex. The House has voted 33 times to repeal Mr. Obama's health care law, a signature Tea Party issue in 2010.
appeal (review p.31)
pel puls peal == drive
ex. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.
ex. Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously.
ex. I've decided not to appeal.
ex. an appeal for help
Heavenly Appeals
repel (p.380)
v. [ drive (sb/sth) back or away; repusle]
ps. When an army repels an attack, they successfully fight and drive back soldiers from another army who have attacked them
ex. repel an attacker, attack, invasion.
ps. When a magnetic pole repels another magnetic pole, it gives out a force that pushes the other pole away. You can also say that two magnetic poles repel each other or that they repel.
adj. [arousing aversion or disgust ; repulsive]
adj. [serving or tending to drive away or ward off ─ often used in combination ]
ex. a mosquito-repellent spray
re(back)-per- cuss (shake)-ion
n. [ indirect effect or result (esp unpleasant) of an event, etc; consequence ]
ex. His resignation will have serious repercussions on/for the firm.
ps. percussion (p. 351) 敲打樂器
ps. concussion (p. 102)
repertoire /ˋrɛpɚˏtwɑr/
n. [a list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform]
ps. A performer's repertoire is all the plays or pieces of music that he or she has learned and can perform.
ex. Meredith D'Ambrosio has thousands of songs in her repertoire.
ex. Matt Harvey has a four-pitch repertoire that includes a fastball, slider, curveball and change-up.
ps. from French répertoire
ps. 第二個 r 不發音。
repine (rɪˈpaɪn)
v. [to be fretful or low-spirited through discontent]
ex. He had his disappointments and sorrows like other men, but he did not repine.
ps. pine 這個字我們在p.359有講過唷。
v. [to yearn deeply; suffer with longing; long painfully]
ex. to pine for one's home and family.
v. [to fail gradually in health or vitality from grief, regret, or longing]
ex. She lost interest in living and just pined away. 她已了無生趣, 日漸憔悴.
v. [fill sth again ]
ex. replenish one's stocks of pet food.
ex. Let me replenish your glass, eg with more wine. 我給你把杯子再斟滿吧
Clever-Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products by Replenish
note: plen
----------------------------------------可reivew p.98
plen ple ply(少) == fill 充滿
com plete | a.完全的 | |||
/kɑmpləmən/ | /kɑmpləmən/ | |||
com ple ment | n.互補物 | com pl i ment | n.稱讚、恭維、敬意 [pra i se] | |
com ple mentary | a.互補的 | |||
plen ty | a.很多的 | |||
plen itude | n.大量 | |||
re plen ish | v.把...裝滿 | |||
re plete | a.裝滿的 | (a home replete with every modern convenience) | ||
[特]plethora | n.過多 |
adj. [fully or abundantly provided or filled ]
ex. History is replete with examples of populations out of control.
replete adj.
deplete v. (review p.139)