
n. [Something's relevance to a situation or person is its importance or significance in that situation or to that person. ]

ex. Politicians' private lives have no relevance to their public roles.



Win the Relevance Race









v. [to be dependent ]

v. [to have confidence based on experience ]

ex. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.







reliance /rɪˋlaɪəns/

n. [the act of relying , the state of being reliant ; confidence or trust in sb/sth]

ex. reliance on the Internet









n. [trace or feature surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of it]

ps. A relic is a fragment from the past


etymology: from relinquere, Latin for "to leave behind."

wiki: In religion, a relic is a part of the body of a saint or a venerated person, or else another type of ancient religious object, carefully preserved for purposes of veneration or as a tangible memorial. Relics are an important aspect of some forms of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Shamanism, and many other religions.

Temple of the Tooth Relic











adj. [experiencing or showing relief especially from anxiety or pent-up emotions ]

ex. We are all relieved to be back home.

ex. I am very relieved that it is over.


p.s relief  relieve









ex. Religions such as  Christianity and Buddhism are quite popular in this region. (2014補)


Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word (2012, Feb)


I Hate Religion, And Jesus Too







relinquish /rɪˋlɪŋkwɪʃ/


v. [ give up ; to withdraw or retreat from; to stop holding physically ]

ex. to relinquish U.S. citizenship.

ex. The monkey wouldn't relinquish its grasp on the banana.




de linqu ency n.[neglect of duty or obligation;  Juvenile delinquency]
  wiki: A juvenile delinquent, often shortened as delinquent is a young person (under 18) who fails to do that which is required by law; see juvenile delinquency.
dere lict adj. [=delinquent]
  adj. [left or deserted, as by the owner or guardian ; abandoned]
  de-relict(L. relinquere ,leave)


etymology: linquere, leave








n. [great enjoyment of food]

ex. eat, drink with (great) relish

note: relish 指的是好好品嚐食物,像是去高級餐廳吃頓飯,你就可以用這個字。用來當衍生字義時可以指品嚐享受其他的事物


v. [enjoy or get pleasure out of ]

ex.  to relish a meal, drink, joke

ex. She relishes every moment of jealousy from the other girls in the party when she wears a beautiful red fit dress, making her the most attractive one. (2014補)


聯想: re a l + f ish :  to relish a real fish

How to Make Hot Dog Relish






remain der

n. [something that remains or is left]

ex. the remainder of the day.

ex. We spent the remainder of the day sightseeing

ps. 餘數


The Remainder Theorem









n. [ancient buildings, etc that have survived when others were destroyed; ruins ]

ex. the remains of an abbey, of ancient Rome




Remains - Official Music Video (Dollhouse)











n. [a person or thing that serves to remind.]

ex. just a kindly reminder that the rent is due.







reminisce /ˏrɛməˋnɪs/

re-min(mind; to think)-i-sce

v. [If you reminisce about something from your past, you write or talk about it, often with pleasure.]

ex. Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip.


ps. reminiscence

ex. A visit to your old elementary school may flood your brain with reminiscences.


ps. review p.307


字根 mon mem 有remind, remember的意思


Dante Bucci - Reminiscence










adj. [careless of one's duty]

ps. If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done.

ex. to be remiss in fulfilling your obligations.






re miss a.玩忽職守 [careless about their duty] [一次又一次的放掉]
  不斷的把責任丟掉--> 玩忽職守
re mit v.豁免捐稅、匯款、減緩、赦免懲罰
  最原始的意思是send money back to someone 把錢送回來--->豁免捐稅
  ex. The taxes have been remitted. 稅款已免除
  後來引申成錢的流動--> 匯款    // remittance n.匯款
un re mit ting adj.不間斷的








remnant /rɛmnənt/

n. [a usually small part, member, or trace remaining; small piece of cloth or carpet left over]









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