quail (kweɪl)
from wiki: 鵪鶉是一種生性膽怯的鳥類,不喜結群互動,而喜歡成對活動於開闊且有植被覆蓋的平原、牧場、農田等環境。本物種生性膽怯,體形較小且偽裝色很好,常常潛伏在農田、草場的植物基部,極難發現,受到驚嚇後會尖叫著從藏身處直飛而去。
v. [to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger; shrink with fear.]
ex. I neither quiver nor quail .
字源:imitative of the bird's cry.
ps. 在slang中,Slang meaning "young attractive woman
quaint (kweɪnt)
adj. [attractively unusual, esp in an old-fashioned style]
ex. a quaint village
記: If you know someone already, you call them ac + quaint. That is because, they are already known to you (old).
adj. [fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose; having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment);eligible]
ex. qualified teachers
ps. qualifying exam
adj. [limited or modified in some way; partial or incomplete]
ex. qualified approval
ex. a qualified success
字源:qualify 1465, "to invest with a quality," Sense of "be fit for a job" first appeared 1588. Qualification in the sense of "limitation, restriction" is from 1543.
ps. disqualify
ex. She was disqualified in the first round. 她在第一局裡就被淘汰了.
qualm (kwɑːm)
n. [feeling of doubt, esp about whether what one is doing is right]
ex. He felt no serious qualms about concealing the information from the police. 他向警方隱瞞實情而並未感到十分不妥.
qualm | n.緊張不安 [qualm is a disturbing feeling of uneasiness and self-doubt] |
scruple | n.疑慮 [an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action] |
compunction | n.良心不安 [a prick or twinge of conscience aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing] |
misgiving | n.顧慮 [a feeling of doubt or suspicion especially concerning a future event ] |
n. [state of not being able to decide what to do; awkward or difficult situation]
ex. I've been offered a better job but at a lower salary I'm in a quandary about what to do.
有人要給我一份更好的工作, 但薪水較低--我很為難, 不知如何是好.
ps. predicament, dilemma,and plight
記:quantary relates to quantum physics,which is so complex that it leaves you in DILEMMA about the UNCERTAINITY of photon.
n.量子 ... 這要怎麼解釋呢....
ps. quantity quality
quarantine (ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn)
n.隔離 [isolation for people or animals that may carry an infectious disease, until it is known that there is no danger of the disease being passed on to others]
ex. kept in quarantine for a week
字源:1520s, "period of 40 days in which a widow has the right to remain in her dead husband's house." Earlier (15c.) from L. quadraginta "forty, " related to quattuor "four"
qu adr u pole | |
quart et | n.四重唱 |
quarant ine | n.隔離區、檢疫所 (40天) |
quint essence | n.(5) 精華 |
n.四重奏 [a musical composition for four instruments or voices]
ps.string quartet: a quartet of performers on stringed instruments usually including a first and second violin, a viola, and a cello
Beethoven String Quartet Op. 18 No.1 1st mvt.
barbershop quartet
n. [an open excavation usually for obtaining building stone, slate, or limestone ]
wiki: A quarry is a type of open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted.
n.正在被捕獵的鳥獸 [ animal or bird that is being hunted ]
ps. It took the police several days to track down their quarry. 警方用了幾天時間追查到案中目標.
v.鎮壓; 搗碎 [to suppress or extinguish and completely]
ex. The rebellion was quickly quashed.
quash | v.鎮壓; 搗碎 |
s quash | v.鎮壓; 搗碎 |
n. 南瓜屬植物 |
quell (kwɛl)
v. [To quell opposition or violent behaviour means to stop it.]
ex. to quell a riot
ex. The industry minister, Yoshio Hachiro, stepped down after apologies failed to quell calls for his resignation within his own governing Democratic Party.
v. [If you quell an unpleasant feeling such as fear or anger, you stop yourself or other people from having that feeling. ]
quench (kwɛntʃ)
v.撲滅火焰等 [ extinguish (fire, flames, etc), esp with water]
ex. Nothing could quench her longing to return home again.
ex. Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.
v. [to utter sound in tremulous tones]
n.顫抖的聲音 [trembling sound]
n.八分音符 = eighth note
wiki: An eighth note (in the US and Canada) or a quaver (other English-speaking countries) is a musical note played for one eighth the duration of a whole note, hence the name.
quiver (與quaver同來源)
v/n. [to shake or move with a slight trembling motion]
ex. the quiver of an eyelid(眼皮)
n.箭筒 [a case for carrying or holding arrows]
How the quiver tree survives in the desert
quay (kiː)
n.碼頭 [landing-place, usu built of stone or iron, for loading and unloading ships ]
ps. key : low island or reef, esp in the W Indies and off the coast of Florida.
ps. Key west, Florida
字源:from O.N.Fr. cai (O.Fr. chai) "sand bank," from Gaulish caium (5c.),