








plunder (ˈplʌndə)

v.掠奪 [to rob of goods or valuables by open force, as in war, hostile raids, brigandage, etc. =loot ]

ex. to plunder a town.

ex. soldiers killing and looting wherever they went

ps. 比方說海盜在洗劫某個小鎮,就是用plunder這個字來說明這個動作的。

n. [that which is taken in plundering; loot .]


字源:1632, from M.H.G. plunderen  "to plunder," originally "to take away household furniture," from plunder  "household goods, clothes"; A word acquired by English via the Thirty Years War and applied in native use after the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642. The noun meaning "goods taken by force" is from 1647.

c.f. pander p.342








plunge (plʌndʒ)

v.俯衝 [to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something ]

ex. plunged the dagger.

ex. plunge (one's hand) into cold water



字源:from L. plumbum "lead". Original notion perhaps is of a sounding lead or a fishing net weighted with lead.

plunge v.跳入、俯衝
lung n.肺









plush (plʌʃ)

n. [a fabric with a cut pile that is longer and softer than velvet]

from wiki: Modern plush are commonly manufactured from synthetic fibres such as polyester. One of the largest uses of this fabric is in the production of toys, with small stuffed animals made from plush fabric, such as teddy bears, known as plushies.


adj.豪華的 [informal  Also: plushy  lavishly appointed; rich; costly]


plush n.長毛絨  a.[口]豪華的,奢侈的
lush a.翠綠茂盛的
  (lush and plush decorations)




flush v.沖水、臉紅

blush v.臉紅










plutocracy (pluːˈtɒkrəsɪ)

pluto ( Gk. ploutos ;  wealth)-cracy

n. [Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth.]

ps. Before the equal voting rights movement managed to end it in the early 20th century, many countries used a system where rich persons had more votes than poor.


autocracy p.46


government in which one person has uncontrolled or unlimited authority over others; the government or power of an absolute monarch.

aristocracy p.36


government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class

bureaucracy p.68


an organizational structure characterized by adherence to standardized procedure.

gerontocracy p.220


government by old people











n.豆莢 [long seed-case of various plants, esp peas and beans]


聯想: pod-也是個Geek字根,是指foot , 你也可以想成豆莢兩片長長的很像腳。









podiatrist (p ə ˈdaiətrɪst)

pod(foot)-iatry( Gk. iatros ; heal)-ist

n. [a person qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders.]


聯想:podiatrist是治療o型腿的, cf. pediatrist

Podiatric Medicine: A Career That Fits Your Future










pod(foot)-ium [給腳站的地方]

n.講臺 [ a small platform for the conductor of an orchestra, for a public speaker, etc.]

ps. 像給管絃樂的指揮者站的那個小檯子,就叫podium,他是一個小平台。或是賽車手頒獎時,那個小檯子,也可以叫podium; 奧運頒獎的檯子也叫做podium唷。

wiki: In many forms of motorsport, the three top-placed drivers in a race stand on a podium for the trophy ceremony.



review p.288









poignant (ˈpɔɪnjənt)

adj. [pungently pervasive; painful to physical or mental feeling]

ex.a poignant perfume



poignant adj.辛酸的,慘痛的、氣味濃烈的

point n.尖、點




PUNGENT, PIQUANT, POIGNANTmean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses.



pungent  implies a sharp, stinging, or biting quality especially of odors

ex. a cheese with a pungent odor.



adj. agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor

piquant suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through tartness or mild pungency <a piquant sauce>.



adj. affecting one's feelings deeply, making one sad, full of pity, etc

poignant suggests something is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's emotions <felt a poignant sense of loss>.









poise /pɔɪz/

v. [balance especially to hold or carry in equilibrium]

ex. to carry a water jar poised on one's head

n. [a stably balanced state;  easy self-possessed assurance of manner]



pose   n.姿勢
po i se   v.使平衡 n.鎮定
    ex. The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.


ps. review p.99 composure










poisonous (ˈpɔɪzənəs)


adj. [capable of killing or inflicting injury; venomous]

ex. a large cloud of poisonous gas.











ex. poke the fire (with a poker), ie to make it burn more strongly

ex. Poke two holes in the sack so you can see through it. 在袋子上戳兩個洞就能透過它看了.




n. one that pokes especially by a metal rod for stirring a fire.


ps. poker-face 無表情的面孔 ... Lady Gaga的歌










adj.(南, 北)極的  [of or pertaining to the North or South Pole.]

adj.比喻人或物之間條件看法等的分歧, 對立

ex. polar positions on the issue











v.使極化 [to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.]

ex. Public opinion has polarized on this issue.









n. [If there is a polarity between two people or things, they are completely different from each other in some way. ]

ex. the ideological polarity between nations.








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