ob(to)-lig(bind)-e /*中文比較不好懂*/
v.不得不..[to require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, society, or force of necessity. ]
ps. If you are obliged to do something, a situation, rule, or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.
ex. The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.
v.施恩惠於 [To do a service or favor for]
ps.To oblige someone means to be helpful to them by doing what they have asked you to do.
ex. If you ever need help with the babysitting, I'd be glad to oblige.
v.表示好意 [To make indebted or grateful]
ps. People sometimes use obliged in expressions such as 'much obliged' or 'I am obliged to you' when they want to indicate that they are very grateful for something. (FORMAL or OLD-FASHIONED)
ex.I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.
lig == bind from L.ligare ; PIE base *leig- "to bind"
lig ate | v.綁 |
lig ature | n.帶子 |
ob lig e | v. |
re lig ion | n.宗教 [綁回在神的身邊] |
col leag ue | n.同事 |
n.義務 [A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action .]
ex. Article XX Parents shall be under the obligation of upbringing and educating their children, and the children shall also be under the obligation of supporting their parents.
Seeking Knowledge: The Obligation on Muslims - Yassir Fazaga (演講...滿長的)
adj.必須的, 義務的 [required as a matter of obligation; mandatory ]
ex. Most women will be offered an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, although it's not obligatory.
adj.樂於助人的 [willing or eager to do favors, offer one's services, etc.; accommodating]
ex. A kindly landlady is obliging and cheerful in her old age.
oblige | v.不得不 | // | obligation | n.義務 |
// | obligatory | a.義務的 | ||
v.施恩惠於 | // | obliging | a.樂於助人的 | |
v.表示好意 |
adj.斜的 [neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; slanting; sloping. ]
adj.躲躲閃閃的;不光明正大的 [Devious, misleading, or dishonest]
ps. not expressing directly or openly, making it difficult to understand.
ex. gave oblique answers to the questions.
斜的 [against+lique(正直向上)-->反對正直向上-->斜的]
How To: Oblique Floor Crunch (Home & Gym)
v.擦掉 [To do away with completely so as to leave no trace; ]
ex. The heavy rain obliterated all footprints.
v. [To wipe out, rub off, or erase]
ex. There was time enough to obliterate memories of how things once were for him.
Hillary Clinton Wants To "Obliterate Iran" - Nuclear War (notice 0:47)
ob(over,覆蓋)-liv(想成live)-ious /*我自己掰的*/
adj.遺忘的 [Lacking all memory; forgetful .]
ex. He was oblivious of his promise.
adj. [Lacking conscious awareness]
ps. If you are oblivious to something or oblivious of it, you are not aware of it.
ex. John appeared oblivious of his surroundings.
名詞型:oblivion n.遺忘 [Lacking all memory]
真正的字源(看看就好):late 14c., "state or fact of forgetting," from L. oblivionem (nom. oblivio) "forgetfulness," from oblivisci (pp. oblitus) "forget," originally "even out, smooth over," from ob "over" + root of levis "smooth."
oblivious(『 空之境界 』第一章片尾曲)
具有雙重人格、名叫兩儀式的少女,在兩年前因一場交通事故陷入昏睡後醒來,關於事故的記憶就此陳封。並擁有了能夠看見所有事物之「死」的「直死魔眼」能 力。為了抑制本能的殺戮衝動,式在魔術師蒼崎橙子事務所底下工作並接受滅除不屬於這世上之物的任務。同樣在事務所工作的,還有多年前也在事故現場的、她的 高中同學黑桐幹也。兩年前的殺人鬼、幽靈群漂浮的大廈、歪曲物體的少女、蒐集著"死"的螺旋建築。當接踵而至的怪異事件與式的魔眼衝突,忘卻的記憶開始復甦
n.大罵、譴責 [Abusively detractive language or utterance...有強烈的意謂]
ps. 這個字出現的頻率不是很高
ob(to)-nox(injury, hurt)-ious
adj.令人非常不快的 [ Very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious,= loathsome]
ex. obnoxious laws
Immortal Technique- Obnoxious (聽歌時間... 一堆髒話的lyrics )
[over(過度) + scure(covered)]
adj.不清的 [So faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation; ambiguous or vague]
ex. The meaning of the passage is obscure.
adj. [Far from centers of human population; Not readily noticed or seen]
ex. an obscure village.
ex. an obscure young writer.
也可以當動詞用 v.使難理解, 使不顯著
字源:c.1400, from O.Fr. obscur "dark, dim, not clear, " from L. obscurus "covered over, dark, obscure, indistinct," from ob "over" + -scurus "covered ," from PIE *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal;" source of O.N. sky, O.E. sceo "cloud," and L. scutum "shield" and Gk. skeue "dress" (see sky). The verb is first recorded early 15c.
obscure的scure是來自PIE (s)keu- "to cover, conceal;"像sky也是這樣來的, hide, hoard,雖然長的不太一樣,但是也是同樣的來源的
名詞型 obscurity n.晦澀,難解, 隱匿
adj.諂媚的,奉承的 [Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.]
ps. Obsequious people are too eager to help or agree with someone more important than them.
字根 sequ, secu == follow
sequ acious | a. 順從的 | |||
con sequ ence | n.結果 |
// |
con sequ ent | a. 隨之發生的 |
n.重大 | a. 重要的 | |||
ob sequ ious | a. 諂媚的 | |||
sub sequ ent | a. 接著發生的 | |||
per secu te | v. 迫害 | per- = 完全 | ||
pro secu te | v. 對...起訴 | pro- = 前 |