neolithic /niəˋlɪθɪk/
adj.新石器時代的 [characteristic of the last phase of the Stone Age, marked by the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, and the manufacture of pottery and textiles]
字源:"pertaining to the later Stone Age," 1865, coined by John Lubbock, later Baron Avebury, (1834-1913) from neo- + Gk. lithos "stone."
來看影片吧,有part 1 - 3唷
neologism /niˋɑləˏdʒɪzəm/
n.新詞 [a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase]
ex. The newspaper used the neologism 'dinks' , Double Income No Kids.
ex. ipod is a neologism
n.創造新詞or使用新詞 [The creation or use of new words or senses.]
ps.1 logos "word"的解釋我們在logic (n.邏輯)那邊有講過唷
ps.2 在神學中 neologism是指新的教規或是指新的經文的解釋
ps.3 心理學中,Neologism (新語症):將整句話濃縮成一個字 ,沒有人聽得懂的語言
neophyte /ˋniəˏfaɪt/
n.生手 [a beginner or novice: He's a neophyte at chess.]
n.新信徒 [A recent convert to a belief]
字源:Greek neophutos : neo-+ -phutos, planted (from phuein, to bring forth)
ps.之後會學到 xerophyte n. [a plant adapted for growth under dry conditions.]
nepotism /ˋnɛpəˏtɪzəm/
n.偏袒(或重用)親戚 [patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics]
ps. Nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family.
字源:from L. nepotem (nom. nepos ) "grandson, nephew"
n.任用親信 [the practice of favoring one's close friends, esp. in political appointments.]
p s. people use their power or authority to get jobs for their friends.
nerve / nɜːv /
n.神經 [ Any of the cordlike bundles of fibers made up of neurons through which sensory stimuli and motor impulses pass between the brain or other parts of the central nervous system and the eyes, glands, muscles, and other parts of the body. Nerves form a network of pathways for conducting information throughout the body]
n.勇敢,膽量 [Courage and control under pressure]
v.鼓起勇氣 [To give strength or courage to]
ex. She nerved herself to enter the dark room.
字源:late 14c., nerf "sinew, tendon," from M.L. nervus "nerve," from L. nervus "sinew, tendon, "
neurology /nʊˋrɑlədʒɪ/
neur(=nerv)-o-logy /*u 與 v是互通的 */
n.神經學 [the science of the nerves and the nervous system, esp. of the diseases affecting them.]
neutral /ˋnutrəl/
neuter(=neither)-al [neuter = ne(not)-either;是 counterbalance 的概念]
adj.中立的 [Belonging to neither side in a controversy]
neutralize /'njuː trəlaɪz /
v.使中立 [to make neutral]
ex. Switzerland was neutralized in 1815.
ex. Acids neutralize alkalis
neutron /ˋnutrɑn/
n.中子 [an elementary particle having no charge, mass slightly greater than that of a proton, and spin of 1 / 2 : a constituent of the nuclei of all atoms except those of hydrogen. Symbol: n]
字源:1921, coined by W.D. Harkins of Chicago from neutr(al) + -on, as in electron
Neutron Star~很有趣來看看吧
nexus /ˋnɛksə/
nex( =nect bind ;ex. connect )-us
n.連結, 關係 [A means of connection; a link ]
ex. there is no nexus between richness and happiness.
ex. The nexus of poisons and terror is new. The nexus of Iraq and terror is old.
ps. 第一隻 Google 手機 -- Nexus One
nettle /ˋnɛtl/
n.咬人貓, 蕁麻 [any plant of the genus Urtica, covered with stinging hairs]
v.惹怒 [to irritate, annoy, or provoke]
ex. He was nettled by her manner.
How to Eat Stinging Nettles
nib /nɪb/
n.鵝管筆的尖端;鋼筆尖 [The sharpened point of a quill pen]
n.鳥嘴 [A bird's beak]
聯想:nib = n ew i ndo b ook 新印度書,用nib寫的
nib是從 蘇格蘭的英文變化過來的,原本的意思是鳥嘴,其實現在 蘇格蘭中的 neb 就是指鼻;口;尖端
字源:1585, "beak or bill of a bird," Scot. variant of O.E. neb
nibble /ˋnɪbl/
v.一點點地咬 [to bite off small bits]
ex. I could feel fish nibbling at the bait.
字源: ME nebillen to pick with the beak
nip /nɪp/
v.夾,掐 [To seize and pinch or bite]
ps. If an animal or person nips you, they bite you lightly or squeeze a piece of your skin between their finger and thumb.
ex. A crab nipped his toe.
n.夾,掐 [The act or an instance of seizing or pinching]
v.剪斷 [To remove or sever by pinching or snipping]
ex. nipped off the plant leaf.
v. [To sip in small amounts (of strong alcoholic liquor)]
ex. had been nipping brandy.
ps. Nip 是指日本人的意思
ps. nip slip = nipple slip .... 就像劉真跳太激動了,then nipple就slip出來了
adj.精密的 [showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments]
ex. The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him.
字源:如果一個作家用了nice這個字,呵呵,你是很難知道作家到底是想說什麼,在字源的發展來說,nice是指foolish的意思,ne-(not) + -scire(know), 所以你可以想像在早期的時候,當讀者讀到 a nice book時,他一定會很困惑這到底是好的書,還是很笨的書。
nicety /ˋnaɪsətɪ/
n.優美 [a delicate or fine point]
ex. niceties of protocol
n. 精確;微妙 [a fine distinction; subtlety; detail]
ex. the niceties of the filigree work.
nick /nɪk/
n.刻痕;裂口 [a small notch, groove, chip, or the like, cut into or existing in something]
ex. He nicked the razor.
Ps. Nick是個很常見的名字,Nicholas的小名常叫做Nick
nicotine /ˋnɪkəˏtin/
n.尼古丁 [a colorless, oily, water-soluble, highly toxic, liquid alkaloid, C 1 0 H 1 4 N 2 , found in tobacco and valued as an insecticide.]
字源:"poisonous alkaloid found in tobacco leaves," 1819, from Fr. nicotine, from Mod.L. Nicotiana, formal botanical name for the tobacco plant, named for Jean Nicot (c.1530-1600), Fr. ambassador to Portugal, who sent tobacco seeds and powdered leaves back to France 1561. His name is a dim. of Nicolas.
nicotine是來自Nicotiana是tobacco plant正式的植物學名,一個叫Jean Nicot的法國駐葡萄牙大使的名字來的,是他將tobacco的種子與葉粉送回法國的(1561)
narcotic .... morphine-like drugs
nicotine .... the substance in tobacco that people can become addicted to
nightmare /'naɪtmer/
n.惡夢 [A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress.]
ex. Desperately, he hoped it was a nightmare.
nil /nɪl/
n.無;零 [nothing; naught; zero.]
ex. My knowledge of the subject is practically nil.
聯想:nil = n ational i nformation l aw ...因為執行的不嚴所以成效幾乎是nil
ps. 雖然字源不同,但是null 與 nil有個相同的概念--零
review annihilate v.消滅;徹底擊潰;毀滅 (p.26)