
no.4 會先讀一篇reading,接著聽一段lecture,最後你要整合,






Reading part:

Social Interaction (45 seconds)

People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another's behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individual's work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.






Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.



response 4-1 (high-level)


In this lecture, the professor hmm.. gives two examples to illustate the principle of audience effects.

One of them is hmm.. tienn(?? tying) the shoes hmm.. and the other one learning to type.

so in this experiment toward(??where) two groups of students are asked to tie their shoes.

The first group was said that they would be observed hmm.. and.. the other one was not told.

So and the first group that.. knew it would be observed.. tied their shoes faster hmm.. and the other one slower hamm..

In the second example, hmm.. learning new activities such as typing hmm.. again when people are conscious of being observed, they type faster, however, they tend to make more mistakes as well. so hmm.. the suggestion is to practice new activities alone in order to reduce mistakes.

So these two..



high level

The speaker speaks clearly. She identifies the concept of audience effects and the two examples from the listening. She organizes her response in a logical way that leads the listener frm one sentence to the next. She supports her response with accurate details and demonstates a sophisticated level of both grammatical structure and vocabulary. This is evident in the way she smoothly transitions from one idea to the next and the efficient use of language to accurately summarize the examples from the listening. There are only very minor errors in language use, but they do not prevent ther response from beng understood.


1. 她說很清楚

2. 說了 audience effects 的概念與兩個examples.

3. 有組織地讓聽話者理解

4. 說了正確的details

5. 文法、字彙有小錯,但不影響讓人理解


no.4 是speaking六題中最難的一題,困難的地方在於:




根據OGno.4 要做的工作有:

(1) 簡述reading...這可與下一項合併一起講

(2) 描述reading與lecture之間的關係  (ps.因為有的教授會反駁文章)

(3) 說出reasons, 與它的 supporting details


同時,也跟no. 1~2 一樣,

注重 流暢度內容發展完整、有邏輯



(1) 簡述reading

她提到audience effects,雖然沒有更進一步的解釋audience effects,

但從後文可以得知,她是知道audience effects的概念的。


(2) 描述reading與lecture之間的關係

在第一句「the professor gives two examples to illustate the principle of audience effects」

指出 lecture 中 professor 提出兩個 examples 來佐證 reading。


(3) 說出reasons(or 重點), 與它的 supporting details












這就是她得到high level的原因。



response 4-2 (mid-level)


Well.. tying shoes or learning new activities such as typing aaa.. trying to learn type.. type.. aaa.. how to type..on the computer.

hmm.. the audience definitely have affect(??effects) on you.

For example, it's aaa.. some.. if you're if you know that somebody is watching you then you type faster or you may uuu.. or you will tie your shoes faster but at the same time, you'll make more mistakes .

However, if.. you're not.. averi(??aware) that somebody is watching you, looking you, then you may ee.. learn.. slow.. slowlier.. but it's hmm therefore ee.. you can type slowlier

or ee.. .

but on the other.. on the other hand, you can.. decrease the number errors on your typing so... hmm.. the.. the.. the research suggests that.. you can you should hmm.. doing.. 





The speaker sustains his response throughout. Hsi pronunication and intonation is affected by the speaker's first language. These pronunication errors make it hard to know what he means. The speaker identifies the concept and the two examples, but with inaccuracies. In stead of summarizing each experiment, he combines the summary of both experiments. This causes him to incorrectly conclude that you make more mistakes when you are being watched while tying your shoes. Additionally, the speaker sometimes stumbles when trying to form basic words (slowlier), which shows a moderate control of grammar and vocabulary.



1. 他的母語影響了他的發音與腔調,使人有點難理解

2. 提出的 audience effect 的概念與它的兩個例子,但有些內容錯誤

3. 他兩個實驗結合起來講,讓他下錯了結論

4. 他花了點時間在想出簡單的字彙上,這顯出他只具有中等的字彙與文法能力


(1) 簡述reading

他有說到「the audience definitely have effects on you.」



(2) 描述reading與lecture之間的關係



(3) 說出reasons(or 重點), 與它的 supporting details



「you will tie your shoes faster but at the same time, you'll make more mistakes .」











(1) 簡述reading...這可與下一項合併一起講

(2) 描述reading與lecture之間的關係

(3) 說出reasons(or 重點), 與它的 supporting details


同時,也跟no. 1~2 一樣,

注重 流暢度內容發展完整、有邏輯


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