Oh Gosh! 變成了一位software engineer。
ps. 如果有連結壞掉了,可以聯絡我,我會盡快修復。

目前分類:心得 (39)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2017-12-30 Latex note (1100) (0)
2017-01-17 Lenovo P50 brief review (1789) (1)
2017-01-16 Note: VMware player 的 configuration -- preference.ini (341) (0)
2016-07-13 申請Postdoc的經驗談 (4993) (1)
2015-07-03 Google flight -- 好用的訂機票工具 (1437) (0)
2015-03-16 CERN ROOT for beginner-- Basic 2D histogram (296) (0)
2015-03-16 CERN ROOT for beginners-- Basic histogram (294) (0)
2015-02-01 CERN ROOT for beginners-- EventList and EntryList (417) (0)
2015-02-01 CERN ROOT for beginners-- Tree analysis techniques (356) (0)
2015-01-25 CERN ROOT for beginners-- TTree::MakeCode and MakeClass (242) (0)
2015-01-25 CERN ROOT for beginners-- TTree::AddFriend() (148) (0)
2015-01-24 CERN ROOT for beginners-- TChain (377) (0)
2015-01-24 CERN ROOT for beginners-- read in a Tree (TTree.h) (849) (0)
2015-01-18 CERN ROOT for beginners-- Writing out a Tree (TTree.h) (309) (0)
2015-01-12 CERN ROOT for beginners-- 1. File I/O (TFile Class) (335) (0)
2015-01-04 CERN ROOT for beginners -- 0. installation (413) (0)
2013-12-16 After GRE and TOEFL (6626) (2)
2013-11-17 心得 -- tips for powerpoint (983) (2)
2013-11-06 論 -- 幽默與文化 (594) (1)
2013-10-28 論 -- 幽默與社交 (1127) (8)
2013-10-17 TED talk 的 review. (907) (0)
2012-10-15 SSD 新手筆記 (26643) (1)
2012-10-07 Windows 7 把英文版變成中文的方法 ( Changing the display language in Windows 7) (15473) (1)
2012-08-04 TOEFL speaking 讀書會的紀錄 (3550) (2)
2012-01-03 A brief introduction to xmgrace and its demo (1429) (1)
2011-12-25 Latex, revtex4-1, Lyx and texmaker (7375) (2)
2011-12-21 gtk 1.2 installation (214) (0)
2011-12-08 物理小教學 -- 600 光年 (720) (0)
2011-07-18 VirtualBox Shared Folders -- Host:Windows 7 Guest: Ubuntu 11.04 (2264) (2)
2011-03-15 GRE報名小教學 (14656) (3)
2010-06-06 心得 -- 如何睡的好 (2908) (4)
2009-12-27 ~PTT_GRE Podcast~ (1298) (0)
2009-07-07 心得--TTS語音(極簡易教學) (9221) (0)
2009-06-15 心得 -- 簡易拉丁文 (9943) (7)
2009-05-30 心得 -- 論考試 (2380) (5)
2009-05-26 心得 -- 在word中快速輸入數學類的符號 (114522) (16)
2009-05-11 心得 -- Word 2007 多層次清單 (13347) (9)
2009-04-22 心得 -- 鍵盤符號上的英文講法 (38754) (3)
2009-04-14 心得 -- Hamana (2677) (0)